ADAS Camera
The ADAS driver assistance system is installed at the front windshield of vehicle, collects images in front of vehicle and collects environmental data outside the vehicle in the first time, then carries out technical processing such as static and dynamic object identification, detection and tracking. In this way, the driver can detect any possible danger in the fastest time, so as to attract attention and take risk-aversion measures.

Lane Departure Warning (LDW)
●Latest alarm time: body touches the lane line
●Speed activated: 50km/h<Speed<150km/h
●Alarm suppression: left deviation while the left turn signal is on, right deviation while the right turn signal is on
●Lane color: white and yellow
●Lane type: dotted line, solid line, single line, double line
Forward Collision Warning (FCW)
●Speed activated: Speed≥10km/h
●Sensitivity adjustment: far, middle, near three adjustment, the user through the button to adjust
●Target detection: cars, trucks, engineering vehicles, buses, motorcycles, pedestrians

Traffic Movement Notification (TMN)
●Speed activated: Speed=0km/h
●Target detection: cars, trucks
●Activation conditions: vehicle stopping time>3S,front car move distance>3m
Pedestrian Collision Warning (PCW)
●Speed activated: Speed=0km/h
●Target detection: Pedestrians