About Coligen
Global Intelligent Drive Solution Provider & Manufacturer
Founded in 1993, Coligen (China) Corp. specializes in development and manufacturing of Ultrasonic sensor system, Camera monitoring system, Microwave radar system and Automotive electronic parts.
● Intelligent headquarter is located in Zhuhai
● Two manufacturing sites: Zhao Qing Zhuhai
●Three engineering centers: Chengdu, Zhuhai Xiamen
52798M²Industrial parks
22LinesAutomated production lines
120MillionProduction quantity
200PatentsIntellectual properties
Both module and whole system solutions can be customized for OEM and aftermarket.
Both module and whole system solutions can be customized for OEM and aftermarket.
Both module and whole system solutions can be customized for OEM and aftermarket.
Both module and whole system solutions can be customized for OEM and aftermarket.
Coligen comprehensive ability brings diversified customers globally.
Request A Quote
You may also use this form to ask any questions that you may have regarding our products.
- marketing@coligen.com
- +86 756 6979228
No.30, Xinsha 2nd Road, High-tech Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China 519085
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